First Date Advice-Find Your Soul Mate For Life

first date advice
First date advice

Seems like, you have finally mustered up the courage to ask that very special person to go out on a date with you. If this is your very first date you will need to do a whole lot of planning because you want to get everything right. So, to help you on your way here are some of the best tips that will act as your first date advice. The best way to go about this is to simply keep your head cool and get a grip over your nerves. Do you want to know more on how to make your first date a hit? Simply read on.

Select The Right Location For Your First Date


Now you should know that the location plays a very important part in your first date. If you are not sure about your date’s preferences then select a neutral location that is not to loud or quiet. This will help you get to know each other much better. You may even consider giving the conventional dinner date a cold shoulder and go to a nice bar instead or even a trendy coffee shop. The informal environment will help ease your nerves and you can engage in a nice conversation. If you are an extrovert then all the noise and people around you will make you feel right at home. Read more about how to build trust in a relationship here.


Learn The Art Of Holding A Conversation


If you are the quiet types then you have to brush up your communication skills if you want you love life to blossom. The magic lies in the conversation so you must spend time deciding on some important and fun topics to talk about, which is one of the most significant first date advice. The best thing to do is to listen to the other person and then share your thoughts. If your date talks about a funny or sad incident try to share your experiences that may be similar in nature. Research has shown that tacky one liners spell disaster for all dates and empty compliments are an absolute no. If you are going to ask your date questions then you should be a little subtle and do not sound as if you are grilling your date. You must incorporate pauses and mild grins in between.


Prepare Your Mind


You cannot always control everything in your date but you must be ready when things happen. You cannot force someone to like you but if you get a hint then you must be quick to act. Self-esteem plays a very important part in dating, nobody likes to be around a person who is always very negative. So you must make it a point to practice self-compassion a few times. Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.




This is very important if you want to create a positive impression on your date. You do not have to wear designer clothes to impress but you could certainly wear clothes that will highlight who you are. Do not try to be someone else as it will fall through. You must always be honest about yourself and if the person rejects then you have to take it in stride.


Body Language


This will say tons about your personality, so make sure your body language does not convey any negative vibes to your date. If you get things right you can tell your date that you are interested with simply a look. You should also study the body language of your date. Here are certain things that you should pay attention to.

  • Leaning: If you happen to be at a bar and if you notice your date is leaning towards you then you can take it as a sign that he or she is interested in you. If you notice that your date has taken a step back then you must understand that you haven’t really connected yet.
  • Mirroring: This is another way to tell your date that you are quite interested in him or her by copying their behavior very subtly. This will help to build a n atmosphere of familiarity for your date.

Be Interesting

An interesting person is defined as someone who takes an active interest in others. So when you are out on a date do ask your date questions that will only allow you to know him or her better. If you make the effort of probing your date then it conveys the message that you are probably interested in him or her. Also if you are talking about yourself you must add some humor for example if you are talking about some nasty incident then try to humor it. People who can always humor themselves go down very well with the general public. If you are on a dinner date then let your date pick something for you this will also tell you a lot about his or her taste. Do not be shy to try some new dish unless you have serious allergies to certain food. Research has proven that people who eat same food on the first date tend develop a good bond between themselves. Food helps to build trust and a rapport between two individuals at a subconscious level. If you are interested in the date then start talking about things you could do together as a couple like going to watch a game or maybe driving around in the car or maybe even a movie. This will tell the person that you  are a fun and enthusiastic individual.

Keep The Date Short

Since this will be your first date you obviously do not want things to be very awkward. So, try to keep the date within a two hour timeline. It would be best not to do a movie on the very first date.

So, these were the commandments that should serve as your first date advice.You will never find someone who is a perfect match for you but you can iron out the differences and think about a long-term relationship. Remember to take things slow and keep your nerves cool before you go on your first date.



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